From campy quotes to make-up tips. An intimate profile of a working Canadian Drag Queen.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

D.R.A.G. 101- Stage Presence (cont)

A lot of new performers see seasoned professionals doing outrageous stunts and think its OK. You are still a stranger to an audience, respect there space.

Performance is always a difficult judgment call, if you know that there is an audience sitting along the sidelines close to the stage use them to your advantage. People are coming to be entertained incorporate the audience get them involved in the show, but until you have a reputation and a fan base don’t indulge in their drinks or feel them up; you are still a stranger to this audience respect that for right now, it pays in the long run.
A lot of new performers see seasoned professionals who have a fan base doing outrageous stunts and think its OK. Once you have that fan base feel free to use whatever you want to keep them coming back if this means drinking their jug of beer during a musical interlude go ahead, just remember you should probably have it replaced by the time the show is over.

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