The hyde n’OUTT productions basics of drag are broken down into Four Main Principles: Dramatization, Reputation, Appearance and Guise. These Principles are further broken down into subcategories covering the scope of required information. By following these simple guidelines you too can become a well respected and talent driven preformer (in all aspects of entertainment).
DRAMATIZATION we learn about Verbal Illusion, Stage Presence, picking the Perfect Number, Practice Tecniques, and Preformance guidelines.
REPUTATION is souly focused on Attitude and Integrity of Character (in general a bitch does not get booked)
APPEARANCE is the longest section and focuses on the Art of Drag. Shopping, Grooming, the purpose Make-ups, Getting a Canvas and only then Make-up Application.
GUISE is dedicated to findiong and using a costume from Foundation Garments and Full Wardrobe, to Heels, Wigs and Final Touches.
I'm not just a pretty face you know.. these aspects all combine to create D.R.A.G. 101
(you can use the post labels to find future posts about any of the Principles)